MP Boris Johnson congratulated the people of Chinnor for caring for their community when he officially opened a village venue.

The Henley MP turned up for lunch at the Village Centre, in High Street, Chinnor, to open its new £60,000 function room on Saturday, February 5.

Mr Johnson welcomed villagers, councillors and supporters as he officially opened the Chiltern room.

He said: "This is a vital place for people to come. We increasingly have an atomised society when people cannot always depend on relatives.

"It is a fantastic way of coping and allowing people to look after each other.

"It is wonderful to have something like this in the area, where people can find support otherwise they would have to come to me."

The MP also pleaded for more people to support the centre. He said: "It does a fantastic lunch and coffee that I have had. I am a regular here."

The centre has been running since 1993 with a popular cafe as the hub. Volunteers from the village make up almost the entire staff led by manager David DeVal.

It also runs activities for young and old, and day care for Chinnor's elderly.

The centre's popularity led to the building of the Chiltern room, paid for by South Oxfordshire District Council and Chinnor Parish Council.

The room will host the centre's existing services and provide multimedia facilities.

Andrew Cameron, chairman of the centre, said: "We always have a demand for rooms. We were expanding faster than the building would allow us.

"Seeing the new room come to fruition is the icing on the cake."

Lynn Mumford, of Chinnor Parish Council, said: "The centre has grown very quickly and owes a lot to the dedication of its volunteers.

"It is a wonderful thing for the village."

Jennie Nichol, a centre supporter, said: "The centre is very important because it keeps all of our community together."