HITTING the national headlines when she stood as a Parliamentary candidate against Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown in Scotland Cookham's own Liz Kwantes of High Road, Cookham Rise was pleased she polled 47 votes. "It was terribly exciting and I can understand why people become fascinated by the world of politics" Liz told the MFP. "Gordon Brown was a charming man when I met him and chatted to him. There were nine candidates in this particular division and one or two did not get any votes at all. I was pleased to get 47 votes because I did not do any canvassing, so did quite well. I just wanted to make a stand about pensions because the present pension black hole in the economy is truly horrendous."

Liz said she had been bitten by the political bug but had no immediate plans to progress her pension campaign. She has been appalled at the situation, partly caused by the Government, who has been accused of raiding of pension funds. Equitable Life was just one institution, who had got into difficulties resulting in pensions and annuities being slashed or wiped out.

Liz Kwantes is a busy member of the local community being the chairman of the Youth Project which brings together every organisation or activity for young people. The Monday evening Youth Club she organises in Cookham Dean Cricket Club premises in Whiteladyes Lane is extremely popular and there is generally a full house.

Liz is planning a special project for August 17 when ten young people aged 14 to 16 years can spend a day flying in a Piper Cub aeroplane. Each individual flight will last for 30 minutes with the youngsters able to enjoy an aerial view of their homes and the Cookham area.

The ten lucky youngsters will be chosen from a competition when they have to write an essay on how they could make Cookham less boring. During the summer months there will be a mobile activity area in the Alfred Major Recreation Ground.

CRIME continues with a number of thefts from parked cars. A car parked in the High Street by the War Memorial had a rear window smashed, a car parked in Sutton Road was broken into and items stolen. Because the Ferry Inn by the river has been completely revamped the car park gets full and then visitors park in Odney Lane nearby. Three cars parked in this quieter lane were broken into at different times.

In one case a car was only parked for about five minutes and police believe there are gangs working together who target a car. Anybody seeing a theft should never become involved, just take a car number and contact the police.

VOLUNTEERS are still needed for Christian Aid Week from this weekend who are prepared to become house-to-house collectors. Last year over £20,000 was collected throughout Cookham and Maidenhead.

MAY FAIR to celebrate their 100 years will take place at Cookham Rise Methodist Church tomorrow from 11am to 2pm when there will be lunches and stalls including FairTrade goods.

QUIZ NIGHT tomorrow at Cookham Dean Parish Church is at 7.30pm. There will be teams of six at a cost of £8 per person including supper. Tickets are available from Barbara Dent at 01628 476512. This is a fund raiser for the school.

NEXT Friendship Lunch at Cookham Dean for those who generally eat alone, or who want to make new friends, will be on Sunday, May 22 in the church vestry at 12.45pm.

SUPPORTERS of the Thames Hospice Care meet on Tuesday when a lunch will be held and a talk given by a senior member of the Queen's Household about life inside Buckingham Palace, describing his historic role as Keeper of Her Majesty's Privy Purse. Get tickets from Maureen Reid on 01628 478818.

LOCAL organisations are always needed to sponsor the newsletter of the Elizabeth House Day Centre. Mike Copland on 01628 630375 would like to hear from anybody who could help.