HENRY THE TUDOR DUDE presented by Haddenham Players' Youth Group was met with rapturous applause and producer Lynne Colley received bouquets in appreciation of her work. With 35 in the cast - playing 48 parts, it is not possible to mention all those who acted so well, whether in their first performance or as seasoned players. It was a splendid, if slightly irreverent way of bringing history to life, while ensuring that the players have a talented youth group waiting in the wings. The cast was well supported backstage and by the musicians, with the audience taking part in the final Body Rock Encore. I am told there is another production already planned - don't miss it.

RICHARD KENDALL, chairman of the Scouts Association reports that the quiz night raised £637 for the association. Simon Witney was quizmaster and this was one of the last of his quizzes in the village. Simon has decided to make his final challenge this weekend after 15 years being quizmaster at charity events and helping to raise many thousands of pounds.

MAY FAIR for Christian Aid was well supported with local churches and organisations manning a variety of stalls, raising £775 for the charity.

HEALTH CENTRE is all out to raise funds for equipping the new building. One idea which has already started is an ongoing book sale. Patients are invited to take books to the surgery where they will be individually priced and put on sale.

TOMORROW from 10am to midday at Church End both WIs will be celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Bucks Federation of Women's Institutes with stalls of cakes, produce and white elephant goods. The church bells will be ringing to celebrate the occasion.

ALSO tomorrow from 10.30am to midday at the Baptist Church, Stockwell, there will be a plant sale with cakes and refreshments in aid of Baptist Missions. You'll find good quality plants at bargain prices.

TOMORROW evening, at 7.30pm in St Mary's Church the Witchert Chorale will perform music for a summer evening. Also taking part will be Adrian Marshall and Steve Pinder on saxophone, Linda Paulen, soprano, Becca Hardy, flute and the Witchert Youth Choir. Tickets for this great evening are good value at £8 and £6 from 01844 291553 or 291173. Profits go to NCH Action for Children and Douglas House Hospice for Young Adults.

ON SUNDAY from midday to 4pm the County First School hosts a Fun Day with a barbecue and many stalls, bouncy castle and raffle.

SUNDAY at 2pm meet at Banks Park for a country walk - about four miles.

FROM 3pm to 5pm on Sunday meet at St Mary's Centre for a cream tea and support the Utugi/Tumani charity helping Kenyan children to improve their situation and get out of the gutters and into education. There will also be a cake sale. Donations will be welcome.

WEDNESDAY from 1.15pm to 3.05pm and 5.30pm to 7.30pm - St Mary's School has an open day.