THERE are two main events this weekend and this is a reminder of the times and places. You shouldn't miss "The Real Inspector Hound" presented tonight and tomorrow in the Millennium Hall at 7.30pm for 8pm. Tickets are £17 including a three-course dinner. Then there's the St John's Church jumble sale tomorrow at 2pm in the school hall where there will also be cakes on sale.

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S meeting on Wednesday will be about Bee Keeping with a talk given by John Crick. The evening is sponsored by Bell Chemist of Princes Risborough. Gardening enthusiasts might wish to visit plant sales at both Naphill and Hughenden Valley village halls tomorrow morning.

REGULAR users of the children's play area in Speen Playing Field will be pleased that by tomorrow the laying of the new safety surface around the adventure area and the slide will have been completed and ready for children to play again.