POT Luck lunch today in aid of Christian Aid starts at 1.15pm in Holy Trinity Church hall. Please bring a donation to the feast. Also on sale will be cakes, plants and Christian Aid cards.

HOLY Trinity Church hosts a concert tomorrow evening at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available on the door and cost £6 which includes a glass of wine.

REFURBISHING work is going on in the two empty shops in the High Street and I understand that one of them will be an employment agency. It will be good to see these premises in use again.

ANNUAL Knit In by ladies of the Evening WI will take place on Saturday, May 28 outside Rusts Supermarket. As well as raising money for Arthritis Research, the squares knitted will be made into blankets and donated to Oxfam or local care homes.

At the May meeting, members celebrated the 85th Anniversary of the Bucks Federation of WIs with a glass of wine and cake. Also on display were scrapbooks covering the past 40 years or so, which provide an interesting social history of the village.

PRESTWOOD Society hosts a talk on "The Work of Woodrow High House" by Roy Hickman on Tuesday, May 31 at 8pm in the village hall. Woodrow is a Cromwellian house near Amersham now used as a training and activity centre for young people run by the Federation of London Youth Clubs.

CHRISTINE Jolly of Wren Road is gearing herself up for her parachute jump on June 5, when she joins more than 20 intrepid people raising money for the Iain Rennie Hospice at Home. If you would like to sponsor her, or go along to see it all happening, give her a call on 01494 865017.

REMINDER to anyone who is organising an event in the village, please let me know of your plans and I can give you some publicity through this column. Phone me on 01494 866783 or email johnandmary.wiles@tesco.net