DON'T FORGET. Tomorrow the summer sale in the Methodist Church hall is in memory of Callum James Woodward. It will be held from midday to 4pm. Also members of the WI will be planting a tree outside the Methodist Church at 2.30pm to mark the 85th Anniversary of the WI in Bucks, Stokenchurch WI's 85th birthday later in the year and the 90th anniversary of the WI nationally.

IF you enjoy good jazz music you'll be pleased to hear that there's another Jazz Night at 8pm tomorrow in the Beahive Jazz Club, held in the youth area of the Community Centre in Bartholomew Tipping Way. Tickets costing £5 can be reserved as usual by phoning 07958 371857.

ONLY TWO WEEKS now to the Village Fete and organisations will be there as usual with many stalls and games. The popular dog show will be held again, including a fun dog show. There will be a car boot sale on the common near the Fleur and a tug of war is planned.

The fete opens at midday on Saturday, June 4.

A REMINDER that the annual parish meeting will be held on Wednesday in Longburrow Hall at 7.30pm to which all parishioners are invited.