WORKERS in Bucks are being urged to ditch the car and cycle to work to celebrate Bike Week.

The national campaign, which starts today, Monday, June 13, is being supported by Buckinghamshire County Council which is encouraging organisations and their staff across the county to join in the bike2work event.

With summer around the corner, the events planned over next week will focus on cycling for health and fitness while enjoying the fine weather at the same time.

Valerie Letheren, portfolio holder for transportation at the county council, said: "Bike week has been running since 1923 and attracts more and more people each year to events around the country.

"We have been promised a warm summer and we have a beautiful county so I would like to encourage everyone to give cycling a chance during this week."

Local businesses are being targeted to try to reduce unnecessary car journeys made by staff to help them improve their fitness and save some money.

Many businesses have already pledged their support and will be encouraging their staff to cycle by offering the chance to enter a prize draw for a £2,000 Exodus Holiday, or tickets to a cycling show in October this year.

Among the businesses who will be getting their staff to dust off their old bikes are Aylesbury College, Hypnos and Pinewood Studios.

Bucks County Council said they are confident that once people try cycling to work during Bike Week and discover the benefits, many will choose to take their bike out on a regular basis.

Not only is cycling beneficial to your health, it can also help reduce rush hour traffic and protect the environment from car fumes.

For more details on Bike Week events contact the Travel Choices Team at