CHESHAM Museum The Stables, has had more than 1,400 visitors since it opened its doors in August 2004.

At the annual general meeting of the Friends of Chesham Museum last month volunteer staff were congratulated on a job well done by the town mayor and museum committee member and Chesham mayor Cllr Chris Spruytenburg.

Sue Gordon, the chairman said: "The number of visitors who have come to the museum since its opening on August 22, 2004, now stands at more than 1,400. Most visitors came from Chesham, but a significant number came from nearby towns, other parts of the UK and a surprising number from abroad."

Committee members said museum funds were healthy but fundraising needed to continue.

It was also announced that a fundraising concert organised by the Damon Singers, at the Broadway Baptist Church, will be held on Saturday, November 19.

The museum is open all year round every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday between 2pm and 4pm, October to March and 2pm and 5pm, April to September.