IF I could have just one thing it would be to have my youngest daughter back; alive and well and cured of the lifelong condition that killed her ten years ago.

If she was cured I would want to go and get completely smashed.

I would like to feel her soft arms round my neck and hear her saying "Mum, you're great."

They were her last words to me the night before she died, when I telephoned her to tell her that I had found the Buddy Holly tape she wanted. She never heard it and we never played it.

Ah, but there are things you want, but you can't have.

What I would like is for the rest of my children to laugh a lot, love someone who loves them, have enough money to get by on, have friends, and not be made miserable by others.

I would like my children's children to be conceived easily and born without pain. I would want them to grow up healthy, so my children don't have that worry.

I would like my grandchildren to know they are always loved, to grow up free from fear, to enjoy learning and to enjoy playing. I want them to have best friends, who are always loyal.

I don't mind if my grandchildren are not best at everything though I would rather like my granddaughter to be prime minister, my older grandson to be an artist or an engineer and my youngest grandson to play cricket for England.

I would like my husband not to have to keep taking the tablets.

For me, I want to have people to talk to, to keep my brain going and to be able to go walking in the hills without creaking.

Oh, and I would like enough money to be able to buy lots of nice new shoes.