John Stokes, 63,a van driver from Loudwater, says he is Buckinghamshire born and bred but his home town of High Wycombe doesn't have much appeal for him.

I live just a few miles away from the town centre in St Anne's Court, Loudwater, but I haven't been there for months.

High Wycombe, I think the problem starts with the name. Now I know that goes back in history, but why call a town high when it's at the bottom of a hill?

I haven't been into High Wycombe for ages. I just don't see the need to go there anymore.

I remember about 30 years ago when they started a big redevelopment in the town and now they are doing it again. It just goes round in circles.

The Eden project. I don't know what to make of it. It's going to cost a massive amount of money but I don't know what good it will do.

Instead of spending huge amounts of money on that why don't they start with the little things?

Where I live there must be 40 flats and there is nowhere to recycle. It all goes into one big bin.

We get leaflets about recycling but there is nowhere to do it at my place.