AS reported in the Free Press last week, we are once again facing the unwelcome prospect of a renewed threat to our business as the superstore giant Waitrose has submitted revised plans to Wycombe District Council.

As we expressed when the original application was refused in the autumn, many of the major objections were brushed aside by council officers who instead recommended refusal on more minor points which are relatively easy for Waitrose to overcome. This is of no surprise as a large proportion of the development site is public land owned by the council, who in 2004 appeared to be conspiring with Waitrose in promoting the scheme.

Spokesman Rachel Broughton is quoted in your article last week as saying "Waitrose said it had to pursue a comprehensive development as set out in the local plan, and therefore Sawyer's had to be part of it". She doesn't mention that Platt's Garage is also part of the redevelopment site identified in the infamous local plan, but which is excluded from Waitrose's "comprehensive" plans even though it is equally incongruous with what is being proposed. In any event, we would support Platt's right to remain as vigorously as our own, the point being that the council should not, as it has done, promote the interests of one private company at the expense of another.

It is hard work keeping a small business going at the best of times, but it is that much harder when being harassed by a covetous multinational company and a local authority who have legal power to evict you from freehold property. Undaunted, and buoyed up by the public support we have received, our principal objective remains the same as it has since this sorry saga began, to continue to provide a service to the people of Marlow by staying in business on our land at 32 West Street. In the process we also hope to be able to help Marlow avert a disastrous development.

Mrs Anne Howlett & Mrs Marjorie Sawyer, Sawyer Funeral Service, West Street, Marlow