POLICE arrested 17 people during the annual five-day Henley Regatta.

A further 30 section 27 orders were issued to regatta revellers, banning them from the town for a 48 hour period. Two people breeched this order and were arrested.

But the number of crimes reported to police during the five day festival, which started on Wednesday and finished yesterday, were down – with 33 crimes to last year's 40.

Commander, Supt Chris Sharp said: “During the daytime for the duration of the Regatta there were no incidents that the police had to respond to.

“There were a number of fights on Saturday evening around the town and on the south bank which were generally as a result of people having a bit too much too drink.

“Seventeen arrests were made connected to the Regatta and the number of reported crimes in Henley town centre reduced to 33 this year compared to 40 the year before.

“I feel this year, as a result of the increased police numbers in the town; we were able to act promptly to any reported incidents that came in.

“Although there were a number of drunken incidents, the majority of people who visited the event acted in a responsible manner.”