Once again it seems the powers that be have misjudged public opinion in Wycombe.

Yesterday's meeting at the Council offices to discuss Wycombe's pigeon problem was presented with petition of around 400 signatures of townspeople opposed to the plans to cull the birds.

Fifteen people attended the meeting in person some of whom spoke to object to the plans.

Whether it be closing cherished swimming pools, installing doomed fountains, introducing wacky recycling schemes or killing the towns pigeons it seems the powers that be find themselves out of touch with public opinion.

The pigeon problem has been with Wycombe for years and so far it has been met with inaction from those who have the power to solve the issue.

I fear there is more chance of seeing water flowing from the Frogmoor fountain than our leaders working out how to rid Wycombe's of its pigeons.

Do the poor birds really have to be culled?

Closing services and killing off wildlife may be the first thoughts that come to the minds of some in the town but surely there must be a more humane alternative?

I speak with experience of solving a similar vermin problem at my own home as until recently I had a terrible problem with rats.

The problem came to a head when I was sitting in the bath one evening and heard scratching noises coming from under the tub. Looking over the edge of the bath I saw a rat running around on the bathroom floor.

Months of setting traps, putting down poison, encouraging the neighbours cat into my garden and blocking up the rat holes had proven unsuccessful.

In a fit of despair yours truly invested in some ultrasonic repellent devices. They proved to be very successful.

With one mains powered device turning the wiring in my house into a giant pest repelling grid and several portable devices placed strategically in the extensive grounds of Bigun Hall the vermin problem disappeared in a few days.

The devices work by emitting a high-pitched sounds inaudible to humans but deafening to rats thus driving them away. The devices I purchased also have settings to repel cats, dogs, foxes, deer, squirrels and other so called nuisance animals.

I would be interested to hear from anyone else who has tried the humane method of using ultrasonic devices to repel unwanted animals.

After a quick search of the internet I discover a site selling commercial pigeon repelling devices for use in public places.

Why can't we have some ultrasonic pigeon repellers put on Frogmoor and the other places where people and pigeons meet?

True it may only move the birds on but let's face it there is very little chance of making pigeons extinct in the town centre so why not take an alternative approach and simply drive them away?

No doubt whatever pigeon clearing method the powers that be decide to use it will probably be very expensive, non cost effective, highly ineffective, fail to work, waste tax payers money and cause outrage in the town.

What do you think?

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