Everyone has heard about the change to digital TV in 2012 but did you know there are also plans to switch off the normal analogue radio signal in 2015 and replace it with a newfangled digital signal?

As regular readers will know I do not have television at Bigun Hall however I do enjoy listening to my trusty analogue radio while sitting in my favourite arm chair.

Can there be anything more enjoyable than turning the dial on an analogue radio and listening to the crackling of static as the radio moves between stations?

It was a terrible wrench when, a few years ago, my historic valve radio had to be replaced with a newfangled transistor thing.

A transistor radio maybe modern but it doesn't have that warmth to the sound that comes with a proper valve radio.

I also dislike transistor radios because they do not create that air of anticipation as you wait for the first hint of sound to appear while you wait for the valves to warm up.

Just think of all those perfectly good VHF radios that will be thrown away when the signal which makes them come to life is switched off.

It is estimated there are 100 million analogue radios in use in the UK. Twenty million of which are in cars. All these will become useless if the change to digital radio goes ahead.

Apparently 20% of all radio listening takes place in cars however only 1% of vehicles currently have the DAB radios required to receive the digital signal.

The proper analogue signal covers 99% of the UK however the digital radio signal only covers 90% of the country meaning there are likely to be more places completely out of radio reception.

Just think of all those drivers who will be cut off from traffic reports and music on the move.

If listening and talking on a mobile phone is banned while driving then how come drivers can listen to a radio or music player? Surely they are just as distracting?

I often think that modern cars only have a radio installed because the vehicles are so boring to drive that the driver and occupants need some form of entertainment to keep them amused.

As for my good self, well, I don't actually like listening to the radio while driving. I have enough difficulty concentrating on driving the car without being distracted by the radio besides I would rather listen to the marvellous engine my car has.

What can beat the sound of a living, breathing push-rod engine as it pops and bangs while coming down Marlow Hill?

What do you think?

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