RE: The death of pedestrian Judy De Gelas on June 2 following an accident in which her two grandchildren were also injured.

WHAT will it take for Bucks County Council to actually agree that a traffic calming measure is required at the corner on the end of West Wycombe High Street?

I have read that they ‘could not do anything as a knee jerk reaction’.

The death of my mother and injuries to my children has again thrown attention on the issue of road safety here.

Regardless of the facts in this case, traffic calming is needed on that stretch of road.

West Wycombe Parish Council and local residents have been trying to achieve something for years and in these past years there have been numerous more accidents.

Yes, my mother and two children were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but what if on all the other occasions that there has been a collision on this corner somebody else had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am told it takes ‘time’ for these measures to be approved, but if a little bit of common sense is used it could take days.

A roundabout would be an ideal solution or even a speed camera on the approach road.

I can only hope that something is done as soon as possible because I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what my family have been through.

Tim De Gelas, Thornaby Place, Wooburn Green.