A garage gym, a commercial swimming pool, and a chip shop ‘drive-thru’ are just some of the many applications submitted to Bucks Council in the last week.

Here is a selection of just some of the latest plans that the council’s planning officers will now decide.

Householder application for construction of detached double garage with ancillary accommodation above for use as gym - 21/06852/FUL

Mr and Mrs Farrington have submitted to Bucks Council a planning application for The Grange, Harvest Hill, Hedsor.

The space above the new garage will be for fitness purposes.

The applicant is now awaiting a decision from Bucks Council.

READ MORE: Bucks family will convert home to 'commercial swimming pool' for kids

Single-storey side/rear and first-floor side extension, rear roof extension and loft conversion, two rear and two side rooflights - PL/21/2360/FA 

Ms Collinge has submitted to Bucks Council a planning application for 17 Park Lane, Beaconsfield.

Plans detail ‘the demolition of part of the existing external walls at ground floor, first floor and part of the rear outshot roof as part of the extension/conversion works, to provide larger spaces inside’.

Council planning officers will now decide what becomes of the application.

Householder application for construction of replacement entrance gates - 21/06762/FUL

Mr and Mrs Mendes have submitted to Bucks Council a planning application for The Old Vicarage, Turville Valley Road, Turville.

The replacement gates are at the entrance of the Grade II Listed property.

The applicant is now awaiting a decision from Bucks Council.

Bucks Free Press: READ MORE: Fears demolition of garages for new homes 'will displace local parking'

Change of use to mixed use of dwelling and indoor swimming pool for commercial swimming lessons, alterations to lower car park, including rolled bark chip and new tarmac footpath - PL/21/2245/FA

Kirsten Sevenus, of LSST, has submitted to Bucks Council a ‘change of use’ application for Mardan Ville, Mill Lane, Chalfont St Giles.

Plans detail the ‘use of an integral swimming pool to facilitate the provision of private swimming lessons’.

Works got underway in April but are incomplete.

Extension of existing crossover and laying of permeable block paving to allow for access and egress of vehicles - 21/06732/FUL

Mr Bhardwaj has submitted to Bucks Council a planning application for Corner Plaice, at 59 Mill End Road, in High Wycombe.

The fish and chip shop could install a ‘McDonald’s-like drive-thru’ system for online orders.

The change will allow “customers to drive in, pick up their food and drive out safely without having to reverse out onto a busy road”.

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