This is what you have been writing to us about this week.

How nice that spring is here and the flowers are starting to bloom, giving the area a wonderful scene of bright colours and smells.

What a shame therefore that the flowers have to compete with discarded masks, KFC bags, Costa cups, Mcdonald’s wrappers and numerous other pieces of litter thrown by drivers too lazy to put them in their own recycling/waste bins.

What is it going to take to get these people to care about our environment, our town and our community?

There are many unsung litter pickers in our community who do a tremendous amount of work clearing up after the litter tossers but they are being overwhelmed at present.

I’ve written to the Environment Agency suggesting that they fund a national Keep Britain Tidy campaign but they have passed the buck and said it’s a problem for our local council.

Clearly incapable of understanding that it is a national problem requiring a national solution.

I’m also frustrated by this government’s lack of action on introducing a Deposit Return Scheme to tackle the estimated eight BILLION drinks containers littered or landfilled every year in the UK.

The Government has just spent over £2 million on a fancy new press room to make themselves look good, how about spending some money on making our country look good too?

Ian Morton, High Wycombe

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Please note, any letters sent to the Bucks Free Press office are only being picked up periodically as all staff are still working from home.