WASPS are launching their pre-season programme with a family fun day.

The Premiership champions are entertaining National One side Exeter Chiefs on August 7 (ko 3pm), with activities laid on beforehand, including clay pigeon shooting, archery, a falconry display, 4x4 driving and the Crowne Plaza's Quad Gym Rowing Challenge.

There will also be the chance for fans to have their photo taken with Wasps' three Premiership trophies, as well as face painting, bouncy castles and other entertainment for children.

Entry to the game is free for season ticket holders and £5 adults, £2 children for other supporters.

Training begins in earnest tomorrow when Wasps travel to Poland.

The squad, minus their British Lions stars and last season's ever-present in the league Tom Voyce, will visit their annual training camp for a week to get fit.

They are able to double the amount of training by going into an ice chamber where temperatures reach as low as -150 degrees Fahrenheit which gets rid of the lactic acid in their system.