Stony Dean School has never had a functioning library, but the student council have got it approved for the first time.

“We want the library to be a calm space where students can escape to another world!” Gemma Morgans- Head of English.

The student council passed their ideas on to Gemma and she took them to the head.

It could possibly be the most important thing the student council has achieved so far. The library has always been highly needed and requested.

Ruth Dunn- Head of Student Council adds, “Students from the school council at the beginning of the year asked for a school library. I was excited about their ideas and the council have been working with Miss Morgans to create a space where all students can enjoy reading.”

The Plan

The library is going to include many features such as seating and book shelves, with more book selection and diversity.

We will get some beanbags and a sofa to make the environment cosy. Students will be able to borrow and donate books to the library, in order to keep it exciting.

There will be a desk for students to use whom volunteer as librarians and volunteers will receive shirts. They will help at breaks and it will be a great chance for work experience.

We are going to hire a professional painter to paint the surrounding walls to a calm woodland theme. Dividers will be ordered for privacy and to insure we keep the peaceful vibe we aim for.

The Impact

We expect the library to have a huge impact. It would help students when they need a place to clear their minds and encourage them to read.