An effigy of Putins and the Russian Moskva ship went up in flames as the Speen fireworks displays returned in its 10th year. 

The 10 metre long ship which was struck by the Ukrainians was set alight on Saturday night (November 5).

The Speen Bonfire events have previously poked fun at topical issues, making a statement on HS2 in 2013.

The Russian ship was made out of pallets and hardboard and was made in two days by the Trustees of Speen.

Bucks Free Press:

The Parent Teachers Association of Speen Church of England School also helped make sure the Bonfire night went out with a bang, selling hot burgers and hotdogs to families.

Anthony Bobroff, co-chair of trustees said: "It was a tremendous success despite the rain we sold out on tickets before the event. 

"To be honest, it looked quite menacing. We had half a dozen Putins lined up on the deck of the ship which people made out of rags and carboard as part of a competition. We didn't burn actual Putin look-a-likes. 

"The Bonfire night is the biggest fundraising event of the year as Speen Playing Fields are almost totallyself-sufficient and runs its own lawn mowing, maintenance and play equipment.

"So far, we've raised more than £2,500 and over 600 people came. 

"There were several Ukrainian families who loved it and I'm assuming some of their men, brothers, uncles and whoever is left out there, they want the war to end but need to get [Putin] out. "

The Trustees came together and sat arond a pub thinking of the best ideas for this year's Bionfire night,.

They suggested the idea of Titanic but burning the Moskva ship deemed more appropriate given the current state of affairs. 

A message the Trustees received was: "Amazing bonfire and fireworks - thanks to Speen and the organisers. Our Ukrainian family came with us and met up with other Ukrainian family’s in our local community.  They said it was the best show of their lives! Thank you."