Celebrity Bucks resident Russell Grant’s weekly Bucks Free Press horoscope from Saturday, February 8.


Social events are entertaining. You will feel surrounded by temptation and exciting offers, romantically and financially. It will take all your discipline and determination to control an urge to try something fairly risky. You can’t help wanting something new and more exciting out of life. Even so, you should take your time to decide on your next goal or you could regret acting on impulse. Pleasing romantic developments will keep you feeling happy and energised.


You admire others who work hard to keep in trim. A friend will have some useful tips and you will be happy to be influenced by their healthy ways. If it has been a while since you’ve had any exercise, start with a few simple strategies to help you on your way. You’re thinking of booking some time off work for a holiday. You may not yet know where you’re going but you are ready for a break and this will give you something to look forward to.


It’s hard to find enthusiasm for a project you eagerly began a few months ago. The novelty has worn off and you just want it over with. If someone else offers to take it over, you won’t hesitate to put it in their hands. Your family is supportive. Nothing is too much to ask of them. If ever there was a time when you realised how much your loved ones mean to you, it will be now. Friends too will be helpful and colleagues will understand if you need to delegate some of your duties.


Some gossip you hear will seem to confirm suspicions you have had about someone. Ask yourself whether the information is actually true or has someone added two plus two and made five? Attending a big party or celebration will lift your spirits. The weekend will be a great time to have some fun but guard against excess and avoid impulsive buying. An Aquarius friend with a birthday this week is not expecting an extravagant gift.

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An hour or two on your own as the week begins will give you a chance to come to terms with some recent developments. Your eyes are opened to new possibilities and your future path looks brighter. Discussing plans with family and friends should be fun. Be sure to voice your hopes and dreams for the months ahead as an older relative will have some surprisingly good suggestions. Keep your chin up and keep looking on the bright side.


Demands and requests from family and workmates will take you by surprise. Suddenly everyone seems to think you have time to drop everything for them. People are too quick to take advantage of your kindness and it is time to set some healthy boundaries. If you’ve been thinking about adding to your qualifications or getting some additional training, now is the time to go for it. You will welcome this opportunity to gain expert knowledge.


Make more time to indulge your sensual side. You’ve always had finely tuned senses and getting a massage, buying new scent or dining in a fine restaurant will deepen your appreciation of life. A neighbour will make some strange suggestions. Give their ideas a whirl as a flexible frame of mind will lead you to all sorts of exciting possibilities as well as a chance to widen your circle of friends. Helping to organise a party for a friend will be fun.


The financial roller coaster is giving you a bumpy ride. One day it will feel as if everything is rosy and then the next, an unexpected bill will knock your finances for six. There may be some delay in receiving resources or money you need to finance a new project so be patient. You might make an effort while you have a chance, to rearrange your domestic schedule to give you more time for hobbies and exercise.

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A stitch in time saves nine. If there’s a job you have been meaning to do but still haven’t managed to get around to it, get it over and done with now. Otherwise when you do get around to it, this task will take twice as long as anticipated. A disturbing dream will remain in your thoughts. It felt so real that it makes you see a person or situation through different eyes but remember it was only a dream. Try not to let it influence you too much.


Discuss family matters that need a quick decision. If you leave it too long, someone will act without consulting you and you won’t be happy with their choice. Once you’ve talked it over, the response of your partner or someone who is equally as important to you, should please you. If life brings little in the way of fulfilment, arrange a trip to a place that has always interested you. Travel will give you the inspiration to make some positive changes.


There’s some discord around you and this makes you uneasy. You prefer a harmonious environment. Some news has caused a few people distress and disappointment. You understand their frustration but not their way of dealing with it. Back away from anyone who is aggressive and give them time to calm down. Pause to reflect before responding to a proposition received later in the week. You don’t want to rush into a decision and this will help you to give a more thoughtful response.


It may be necessary to cancel plans for the sake of a new friend. Rather than let a small misunderstanding spoil this relationship, you will suggest ways to compromise. This will help you both learn more about each other. There’s a limit to what you can do in a day. If responsibilities are increasing, it may be time to delegate tasks to relatives and colleagues. Everyone needs to rest so they can do their best. Give yourself permission to take a break.