Many people across the area have had their say on whether or not they would like to see the River Wye reopened in the town.

This comes after Buckinghamshire Council pledged to spend up to £15m on improving our town centres, which includes High Wycombe.

However, the council have remained tight-lipped about whether reopening the River Wye will form part of their plans.

What do you think should happen?

Do you agree?

Posted by Bucks Free Press on Sunday, 27 June 2021

The Bucks Free Press, joined by town organisations like the High Wycombe Society, is urging the council to look at bringing our precious River Wye back to the surface through the town centre in a bid to encourage shoppers back to the High Street and support local businesses after a particularly difficult year for all because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following this, several people have shared their opinions on whether or not this should happen.

READ MORE: Could some of £15 million cash boost for town centre be used to reopen River Wye?

Jackie Louise Hardy on Facebook said: “Potentially would look nice, but considering the river isn't very well looked after down the rye now I hold little faith.

“The dead rotting body of the deer was left over a month, the algae issue with is unsafe for dogs & humans.

“Maybe maintaining the current open river would be a good start before spending hundreds of pounds to open up more.”

Su Francis said on social media: “Better projects to spend money on.”

Georgia Hall added: “Ignoring the fact that it would cause traffic chaos.

“From the parts of the river that are already exposed, I can see that all that would happen is it would quickly become a rubbish filled, overgrown, rat infested mess.

“How about the council starts off by cleaning out and maintaining the parts that we already have.

“Maybe if they could prove to us that they are capable of doing this, then they can take on more.

“Much like how you buy a kid a goldfish to teach them about responsibility before getting them a puppy.”

On our website, the views were split.

READ MORE: 'Reopening River Wye would transform High Wycombe'

This user said: “I am in two minds with this planning.

“We need to do something with the town.

“Frogmore water fountain was a waste of money.

“People say Wycombe is a market town - could be better. The river Wye being opened up - needs to be kept clean.

“Spend money on actually opening an A&E in Wycombe as the town is getting bigger.”

One user added: “Let's spend the money on the CURRENT infrastructure first.

“Sort out the roads/pavements, public services, Wycombe hospital etc before wasting any money on this stupid idea!”