The face of the “brute” who stabbed his girlfriend in the neck and chest before attempting to kill himself has been revealed.

Thames Valley Police has released an image of Anthony Bignall, 38, who on February 2 this year tried to murder his partner Natasha Hollins by pinning her down and stabbing her repeatedly.

Bignall, of Mount Nugent in Chesham, appeared at Aylesbury Crown Court yesterday (Thursday) where he pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was jailed for 20 years.

READ MORE: ‘Brute’ pinned down partner and said ‘I’m sorry’ before stabbing her in neck and chest

Sentencing, Judge Francis Sheridan said: “She [Ms Hollins] was treated by paramedics and she begged them not to let her die.

Bucks Free Press:

“You said ‘Tasha, I’m sorry’, and then you took the knife and plunged it into her neck and you held her face as you did it.

“She got to the floor and you kept attacking her, forcing her mouth open. You were a brute.

“You have left her scarred for life.”

The court heard from prosecutor Nigel Ogborne how Bignall had locked the back door and shut the curtains before assaulting his victim on February 2.

When the pair were sat together on the sofa, Bignall leaned over his victim, put his hand over her face to stop her shouting out, and said “I’m sorry” before producing a knife he had hidden in his trousers and stabbing her multiple times.

READ MORE: Thames Valley Police officers kicked out in secret revealed

When Ms Hollins escaped his grip, she ran into the bathroom and locked herself in, calling 999. Meanwhile, Bignall attempted to kill himself by slicing his own throat and slashing his wrists.

Ms Hollins was taken to John Radcliffe Hospital and is making a recovery, but retains scars from her wounds.

The court heard from John Lamb, the lawyer representing Bignall, that his client was experiencing severe mental health problems at the time and that he “couldn’t be more remorseful.”

As well as the prison sentence, Bignall was also issued with a restraining order.