DECISION about the future of Buckinghamshire Council offices, including in Amersham, is expected today.

The proposed Work Smart Estates Strategy seeks to reduce the size of the Council’s “estate footprint”, and bring millions of pounds worth of savings.

If agreed by the Cabinet meeting on January 5, Council offices in Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Amersham and Denham will undergo significant changes.  

The new estates strategy plan comes after the Council inherited properties from legacy councils following the establishment of the unitary council in April 2020, and changes to use of offices post-Covid.

The report explained: “The Council’s Work Smart strategy has been designed to enable the organisation to maximise the benefits of flexible working, whilst ensuring that we meet the requirements of our residents and continue to drive improvements in productivity.”

The strategy has potential to bring £2.4 million in revenue savings, and £4 million in capital receipts to the Council purse. 

After two years of hybrid working experience in the office and at home for staff means the Council is now “in a position to bring forward proposals to reduce the size of the estate and the operational running costs.”

The proposal would see King George V House in Amersham closed and redeveloped for housing over 18 months, while a consideration will be given to retaining “a small footprint in the town” pending further consultation with staff and stakeholders, Bucks Council said.

The Amersham site is only partially occupied with an average daily occupancy rate of only 20 percent of its capacity, Bucks Council noted.

A resident, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed their concern about the threat to in-person Council services if all staff was moved to the Aylesbury Gateway headquarters.

Chesham and Amersham MP Sarah Green commented: "I am following these proposals with interest as I know some local residents may struggle without in-person access to important council services. I hope that Buckinghamshire Council will explore every avenue to maintain a physical presence in Amersham."

The resident also expressed their concern about the Capswood Offices in Denham, claiming Bucks Council has been paying rent and energy bills for the empty office since 2020 spring when Covid shut offices.

After the closure of the Denham office, the nearest place for in-person services for Denham and South Bucks residents was in King George V House in Amersham.

The resident said: “If they shut Amersham, people from Denham and South Bucks have to travel all the way Aylesbury for Council business, that’s more than 20 miles!”

The Council’s estates strategy noted that the Denham site has been closed for “operational use for some time”, while proposing to surrender the lease with the landlord early or subletting the offices to reduce costs.

Bucks Council Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources John Chilver commented: "The lease on the Capswood Offices in Denham runs until 2026. This commercial agreement was signed before we became a unitary council in April 2020, and we have to pay fixed costs such as rent, rates, insurance and service charges on these offices until the end of the lease. This is a contractual commitment.

"As set out in our new Estates Strategy, we are working to offset these costs through subletting arrangements. We have had success such that the council's variable costs including heating, gas, water, electricity, maintenance and cleaning are being largely covered."

If the Cabinet gives green light to the estates strategy, detailed plans with timescale for implementation will be created for each site.

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