AN MP in Buckinghamshire has raised the alarm after the ‘concerning’ bank closure plan. 

Chesham and Amersham MP Sarah Green demanded to speak with the government following Barclays’ announcement to close its branch in Amersham on March 1.

Closure of the Sycamore Road branch will leave Amersham with only one NatWest branch, ATMs and Post Office banking services.

She said: “Towns around my constituency have seen banks disappearing from their high streets at an alarming rate.

“Residents are worried that these closures will make it harder to do business locally and result in the isolation of individuals who cannot bank online.”

The Treasury’s Economic Secretary Andrew Griffith agreed to meet with her after she urged the government to create banking hubs for communities.

Ms Green said: "Some of those affected will struggle to make the journey to the next nearest branch and are not confident that the alternative provision promised will meet their needs.

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“I look forward to meeting with the Minister to discuss these concerns in more detail.  

“This is about far more than the closure of one bank branch.” 

The National Federation of Subpostmasters (NFSP) commeted the closure:"This will doubtless be disappointing to Barclays customers in Amersham However, alternative banking provision is available to local residents at post office branches nearby." 

The nearest post offices to the Barclays branch are the Amersham, Little Chalfont and Chesham Post Offices.