Dozens of estates have been left unclaimed across Buckinghamshire with relatives potentially eligible to claim the property.

40 estates in the county are listed as unclaimed despite relatives being entitled to a portion of the properties.

New names have been added to the list of estates while others have been left unclaimed for nearly 50 years.

You can search for your surname on the list below.

Included on the list is the estate of Leonard Atkinson, who died in Great Missenden Buckinghamshire in 2021. Mr Atkinson was originally born in Lingdale North Yorkshire.

Other estates listed belong to people born in Italy, Poland, Sri Lanka and other places across the world but passed away in Buckinghamshire.


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In total, 40 estates are yet to be claimed in Buckinghamshire.

Unclaimed estates are left to the government when someone does not leave a valid or effective will.

Claims are considered in order of entitlement, with spouses and civil partners top of the list.

Any relatives, including half brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts can also make claims on the unclaimed estates.

Claims can be made to the government’s Bona Vacantia division.