A MAN who was in the house at the time a 17-year-old was killed in High Wycombe did not see the stabbing as he was on the Xbox.

Cameron Bailey was stabbed inside a property in Easton Street on Sunday, May 7 this year and five people are standing trial at Reading Crown Court after being charged in relation to his death.

A 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with murder, along with Philip Solomon, 37, of no fixed abode, Aaran Pattinson, 32, of Old Tea Warehouse, High Wycombe, and Scott Cordice, 29, of the same address.

READ MORE: Cameron Bailey murder trial: Teen threatened over drugline

The jury heard that Cameron, who is from Brighton, had been dealing Class A drugs in High Wycombe along with a friend and had allegedly been threatened by the 17-year-old on trial to stop selling because he was ‘stealing customers’.

A man who was in the property at the time of the stabbing did not see the stabbing as he was playing Grand Theft Auto on the Xbox at the time.

In a recorded police interview, the man said he knew the boys were selling drugs downstairs as they had offered him some.

However, he did not hear any of the conversations that were taking place as it was 'none of his business'.

He said he saw the people enter the property and tried to stop them. He then saw them leave and immediately called an ambulance.

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"He [Cameron's friend] walked over to me and I realised he needed an ambulance," said the man during the police interview. "I was helping him with the phone."

The witness said he didn't notice that anything had been removed from the property but saw that things had been smashed.

He said he then left the property and went into the centre of High Wycombe.

"People were throwing around accusations," he said. "I didn't want to be a part of it.

"I'm in a situation where a big incident has happened."

The prosecution case at Reading Crown Court still continues. All four defendants are charged with conspiracy to rob Cameron and his friend which Pattinson and Solomon have pleaded guilty to.

They are also all charged with the attempted murder of Cameron’s friend, with an alternative count of causing grievous bodily harm.

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A fifth defendant Marlon Cato, 49, of Station Close, High Wycombe, is also standing trial charged with assisting an offender, Cordice, by allegedly helping him hide the clothes and shoes he was wearing during the incident.