A MURDER trial has been stopped halfway through proceedings.

Five people were standing trial at Reading Crown Court charged in relation to the death of 17-year-old Cameron Bailey in High Wycombe.

Cameron was stabbed in Easton Street on Sunday, May 7 this year and a trial was opened on October 25.

READ MORE: Teen stabbed in High Wycombe was 'threatened to stop selling drugs'

A 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with murder, along with Philip Solomon, 37, of no fixed abode, Aaran Pattinson, 32, of Old Tea Warehouse, High Wycombe, and Scott Cordice, 29, of the same address.

A fifth defendant Marlon Cato, 49, of Station Close, High Wycombe, was also on trial charged with assisting an offender, Cordice, by allegedly helping him hide the clothes and shoes he was wearing during the incident.

However, it has been confirmed on Monday (November 27) that the trial stopped at the end of last week and the jury panel were dismissed.

It is unknown why the trial has been ruled as ineffective but proceedings will take place again with a new jury next year.

During the trial, it was heard that Cameron, who is from Brighton, had been dealing Class A drugs along with a friend.

It is alleged that the 17-year-old on trial was also running a drug line in the same area and had threatened Cameron to stop selling because he was ‘stealing customers’.

READ MORE: In the Dock: Man arrested for threatening behaviour

The following day, the 17-year-old along with the three other defendants, reportedly conspired to rob Cameron and his friend of their drugs, money and phones.

However, Cameron was killed during ‘the attack’ and his friend was hospitalised.