Beaconsfield could be getting a Thai massage salon if a planning application is given the go-ahead by South Bucks District Council.

An application for 50 London End, which used to be the site of artsmart School of Art before it moved to Wycombe End, was submitted at the end of July.

The company who want to open the new branch, Nuad Thai, already have six other massage and well-being clinics across London, including Uxbridge and Ruislip.

Oaten Architects, on behalf of Nuad Thai, has requested permission to change the use from shop (A1) to interchangeable use as a Thai massage and/or uses within A1 retail use.

There could also be changes to the inside of the building, including new partition walls but the outside of the Grade II listed building would not be affected.

The clinic would have six treatment rooms across two floors.

View the planning application here.