Bucks resident Russell Grant’s weekly Bucks Free Press horoscope from Saturday, April 8.

You just can’t get away with doing the same old thing day in and day out. If you feel you are falling into a rut you will be doing all you can to get out of it. If something unexpected doesn’t happen, you will come up with a few ideas of your own that will surprise your family and friends. What’s important for you is that you can step outside of the box. A long-term commitment will be agreed on as the weekends.

It can be tempting to expect more from a friend or partner than they can deliver. Instead of obsessing over possible outcomes, bring your attention back to the present. Enjoy the process a relationship takes as it unfolds. A positive breakthrough will be seen in an important work or study assignment. This is something you are enjoying being involved in and you will be sure you aren’t the one who is left out of it all.

Creative ideas being shared in the workplace will get you thinking about new possibilities. With your attention sufficiently hijacked, your enthusiasm for a long-term project will return. Push yourself to get the most out of this sudden burst of mental energy. You’re in tune with your intuition and this will steer you towards people who understand you well. A talented executive will offer to help you develop a practical skill. You will swiftly take them up on the suggestion.

It may not yet be certain whether a trial is successful but if you can help in any way and it does make a difference you will be happy to play your part. Despite some limitations, this feels like a significant moment in a project that has been littered with failure after failure. If your social life hasn’t felt very exciting recently, you could find that mixing business with pleasure is the answer.

You might regret having got too deeply involved in a project that now includes too many people. A responsibility you had expected to be yours alone will be shared with someone who seems to have no idea about what they are doing. Don’t be surprised if you decide to pull out of this commitment altogether. Some money loss will confuse joint arrangements when a partner will own up to having recently overspent.

Delays, crowds and cancellations cause havoc with travelling. You would like to think this is an irregular occurrence but it is becoming increasingly stressful to make routine journeys. Your hope is that you won’t be left stranded somewhere because of cancellations and you’re seriously considering changing your daily routines because of reduced time-tables. A communication gap between you and a neighbour will be breached with success. Avoid stress and strain whenever you can.

An older relative is leaning on you quite heavily. The more you are there for them, the more they expect from you. In addition to this they are using emotional blackmail to get their own way. Stop allowing them to make you feel guilty because you can’t do everything for them. Someone you meet at a social event will be sending mixed signals your way. If you are single, check that a person who wants to date you isn’t still in a relationship.

Your imagination is working overtime and yet, to others, you continue to appear calm and relaxed. Retreating to the background helps you stay in control of your emotions. This is why, too, everyone thinks you are more serene than you actually feel. Social life may be quieter than usual and that’s because you will prefer to spend time with just a few close friends whose company you always enjoy and who you can be yourself with.

If you have been looking for some support in order to get a new venture off the ground, someone who turned you down in the past could change their mind. Their previous reluctance will have had something to do with the fact that they’ve never been involved in anything like this before. They will be happy to learn from you. Some secret information will lie at the heart of conversations taking place behind closed doors.

An important decision you have to make will impact other members of your family. You might want to discuss a youngster’s education or the care of an elderly relative with everyone who is involved before reaching a final conclusion. Attending a seminar or demonstration given by a talented person will be fantastic to watch. This could inspire you to try something new and although it will take time to develop skills, practice will make perfect.

Home and work problems will be ironed out thanks to your hard work and determination. Whatever the problems, you just want solutions to come down the track and you will find them. Rewards for your contribution to a group effort could come in the form of a small bonus, prize or award. Although this will be unexpected, it won’t be unappreciated. Activities as the week ends will put you in the spotlight.

Whether it is work or money muddles, you won’t let anything that needs urgent attention, stand for very long. A stitch in time will save nine. Even if you have to do it on your own, you will tackle each difficult task that comes your way. Others might want to ignore problems in the hope they will go away but this won’t be so and as it so happens, you are about to prove these difficulties aren’t half as bad as some people thought.