Here is what Russell Grant has had to say this week.

Someone who isn’t particularly close to you will mention something that was supposed to be a secret. They may not realise what they have done. Keep it to yourself. At home there’s a friendly and fun atmosphere. Friends and neighbours will be popping in and out most of the time and you will enjoy their company with one exception. You need to be careful about how you phrase things so as not to upset a particularly sensitive friend. 

You’re very much in touch with the physical and material world around you but are you in danger of becoming trapped by all its glitter? Even the idea of success could have you so caught up in this materialistic spell that you have lost touch with your more spiritual side. You might find being in nature healing. Listen to music. Meditate to hear your inner voice. You don’t always need creature comforts to feel really happy.
It will be a relief to notice that some contention in the family is easing. There seems to be a good deal more harmony surrounding you and yours now. With this in mind, make a point of asking for any favours or assistance you might need to help clear up any remaining misunderstandings. Visitors you are expecting will be held up. Stay calm and everything should work out to everyone’s liking. An invitation received one evening will have you smiling with delight.

Some difficulties recently experienced in the workplace will soon be resolved. Even so, you already know that this does not mean everything will get back to normal. A certain amount of tension is bound to linger. Time will heal this particular problem. In the meantime, keep doing your best to put others at their ease. People are coming to you with their worries, anxieties and troubles in general. All they need is some practical and understanding advice. Since you can give a bit of both, no wonder you are so popular.

If you’re hoping to get someone you love to approve of the plans you are putting to them, you might choose to use the maximum of charm and diplomacy. Added to these two qualities will be plenty of flattery. People can’t resist your remarkable appeal when you do turn on the charm so there’ll be no end to the amount of cooperation you will receive from even the most stubborn friend or relative. It is time to pursue your heart’s desire.

You might be feeling ten times your age at times and this has a lot to do with the responsibilities currently lying on your shoulders. Once these start to ease, your health too will show signs of improvement. Be flexible or you could miss out on something special by sticking to familiar patterns. Coming to a relative’s rescue on the weekend reassures them they can always rely on you in emergencies.
Refrain from looking for hidden meanings in the words of someone close. Even though they may not be the most demonstrative of people, they are telling the truth and in their own way, they are revealing their deepest feelings. They might be keeping the length of conversations short and to the point but their words will be very clear. A house move could be on the cards. Whenever it is needed, take deep breaths and allow emotions to settle.
Continue to keep your eyes and ears open if you are keen to get on and better your lot. Just be sure to do this in a casual way so competitors don’t notice what you are up to. You don’t want to give anyone a chance to block your progress. In partnerships of all descriptions, there is a need for plenty of give and take. Showing respect for views that differ from your own will be met with appreciation.

Whatever it is that is troubling you, this challenging time will soon pass and there will be brighter times ahead. Channel any excess energy into sporting, creative and musical areas. Let your mind wander. Enjoy a journey into the imagination and eventually you will come up with some exciting ideas you will want to get started on immediately. New projects that are started now will provide a welcome break from work routines.

If you haven’t been out and about a lot lately, you’re starting to feel a need to meet up with friends and have some fun. As the week rolls on, social opportunities will give you a chance to wipe the sleep from your eyes. There will be no time to get bored when there is so much action and activity going on around you and especially because quite unexpectedly you seem to be popular, wherever you go.
Cash seems scarce. Everywhere you go there is someone who is demanding money from you. You will be expected to contribute to your birthday and leave gifts in the workplace. A friend is looking for sponsors for a fundraising event. You might decide to cancel a date arranged for later in the week because you can’t see how you can afford such extravagances. Why not arrange to go Dutch? A work issue will be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, later.

If you’ve been hoping for some excitement, this could come your way faster than you expected. An adventurous friend has been making some exciting plans and all will soon be revealed. If initially you don’t feel up to what they are suggesting, be brave and look as if you are interested. If you hide yourself away as you are inclined to do, you won’t know what you are missing. A great way to break out of a rut is to set new long-term goals.