Here’s what Russell Grant has had to say this week.

You feel fiercely determined about a project you are about to begin. You know you are making the right move even though it will take a lot of convincing to get someone in the family to see this. Some people will have fixed views and it doesn’t matter how persuasive you try to be, they will stand firm. You aren’t sure what to make of events later on when someone who has been helping to organise a group or community event suddenly announces they are leaving.
It won’t be easy to find a solution to a problem you are presented with. There will be moments when you will feel like tearing your hair out. You’re going round in circles and no progress is being made. Help is at hand. Seek outside assistance. Discuss your troubles with a professional and the solution will suddenly dawn. A friend who has excelled in an amateur sport is turning pro. You admire them for their success.
A family disagreement might seem to start the week off on the wrong foot but this will be quickly forgotten. Social arrangements later will be entertaining enough to take your mind off your worries. You should be pleased, too, to notice that a friend who has been feeling low seems now to be in high spirits. Keep a tight hold onto your work schedule. Distractions will be tempting but some opportunities will be too good to be true.

Some events will be more challenging than you expected. Still, you will be surprised by your ability to deal with it all. A housemate is too preoccupied to discuss problems you would like to see resolved. It won't hurt to simply bring these up another time. Inadequate funding to provide a community service could mean this will be dropped unless alternative solutions can be found. Expect to have to fight for a cause that is close to your heart.

A younger relative will confess to having financial problems. Although you may not want to get too involved, you might feel as if you should do something to help. If you turn things over in your mind, you should be able to offer them some useful advice. Avoid getting into arguments with neighbours or workmates over differing religious or political beliefs. It would be better to agree to differ and steer conversations onto safer subjects. 

A legal or financial matter is proceeding too slowly for your liking. There will be little you can do to hurry things along. Instead of praying too long on anything that is outside your control, concentrate instead on the positive things currently around you. Someone close will be too restless to spend the weekend at home. They might persuade you to join them in a trip and to add variety into the days, all your usual haunts will be avoided. Together you will choose somewhere completely different to explore.
Current commitments are increasing rapidly. People are throwing tasks, demands and requests at you. You aren’t happy with how much you have on your plate. Any aches and pains experienced will be due to some heavy responsibilities. Rather than letting things continue as they are without doing anything about it, you should discuss this with someone who has a degree of control over your environment. Time spent out in the garden or walks in nature, will be therapeutic.
In most matters you will veer more to the side of reality than fiction. So if you sense someone is exaggerating a situation, you will be the first to put them right. A sudden reversal of plans will cause contention and a verbal fall-out between family members. Problems experienced recently are starting to ease. Although the picture isn’t totally clear, it will be looking better and this will come as a big relief.

You’re happy to take on more commitments but are you deluding yourself by believing you can do more than you are capable of? People admire your energy and enthusiasm and they will encourage you to take on more. Even so, you need to know when to stop. You can’t expect to work on all cylinders all of the time. Are you single and looking for love? Friendship will blend well with travel leading to romance on distant shores.

An older relative, partner or housemate is being too generous with their cash but it’s not going to be easy to point this out to them. You have a feeling someone is taking advantage of their kindness. Some diplomacy will be necessary as you don’t want them to feel you are interfering. A workmate who seems strangely glum has received news that has come as some surprise to them. They will need time to get over the shock.
A friend or relative is starting to rely too heavily on your support when you could really do with some space. You may have to be tough to nip their demands in the bud. Your mind keeps wandering to far-off places where there is plenty of sun, sand and sea. Above all you would just like to push responsibilities aside for a short while. Make some changes in your schedule so you get more time to yourself.

There may be some opposition to ideas on how to bring improvements into the workplace. You may have to explain your thoughts in detail to make sure you are understood. When it becomes clear that you do know what you are talking about, colleagues will start to take your suggestions more seriously. Someone close has a surprise lined up for you. Fortunately you will have made no previous arrangements so there’s nothing stopping you both from having a wonderful time.