Here’s what Russell Grant has had to say this week.

A housemate or workmate’s conversations will start to irritate you. Whether it is their romantic life, a personal interest or a new job, they seem to want to discuss little else. You will find their company frustrating but no matter how disinterested you are, you will be tolerant enough to say nothing. Be certain to register your interest in an in-house training scheme. Adding to your qualifications will propel you up the ladder to success.

You will be hoping for some time to yourself in order to take stock of your current situation. As one chapter ends, another is about to begin. If you are taking on a long term loan, a mortgage or some other form of commitment, you will want to do some quiet thinking to make sure you are doing the right thing. Also you will want to check all contracts involved so there will be no future regrets.

Social and friendship commitments are increasing. There’s no room in your life for yourself. Take back control of the way you spend your time. Plan it so you can do all those things you planned to do as the year began and still haven’t got around to. A mishap in the workplace may mean someone requiring medical attention. Check that the accident-book is being kept up to date. Frustrations of earlier will begin to ebb away in the weekend.

A creative urge will prompt you to look for a new hobby or interest to occupy your free time. You will have no shortage of ideas which makes a decision harder to reach than expected. A few options appeal to you. Even so, you will be so thorough that when you do decide on what you are going to do you won’t have any second thoughts at all. There is also a chance you can return to some ideas in the future.

Links with someone overseas will get you thinking seriously about new possibilities. Some frank talk will bring a release of tension. Aim to give it time before making judgements on both newcomers to your world and people who are familiar but who show a different attitude to life and living. You’re about to find out that first impressions don’t always hold true. Another attempt will be made at something that failed in the past.

You’re doing your best to look after your health. Even if a recent diet or exercise regime has had the wonderful result in getting you back in trim, you will continue to look for other ways to improve your appearance. It doesn’t matter that others are telling you this isn’t necessary. You intend to do all you can to feel better about yourself. Expect a lucky break as far as your career is concerned. Don’t ask to think about an exciting offer. Remember: he who hesitates is lost.

Either your own or a partner’s past handling of finances hasn’t been wonderful and this has accumulated a lot of debt. What you need to do now is get money affairs back in order. To do this you may need to consider ways of increasing your income. Looking for another line of work will be liberating. If you’re thinking of extending your credit limit, pause and think again. Future events are influenced by current actions. Practical plans now made will bring pleasing results to come.

If you’re longing for a chance to experience something new, your prayers will soon be answered. There will be no reason for you to complain about being bored or having too much time on your hands. Your talents are welcomed in a group project and your quick reactions will make for an ease in communication. The people you are with share the same wavelength and others look to you with respect. Your ambitious efforts to reach a goal will achieve the results anticipated.

A hold up in the works will leave you with some spare time. You won’t want to waste this as there are a few trivial matters you can tie-up while you are waiting. An older colleague who is related to your boss will say more than they should. Don’t be as candid as them as it will not be appreciated. If you are no longer content with current circumstances, go out of your way to explain why you intend to make some changes.

It won’t come as any surprise to you to discover that someone has been ultra-friendly of late because they want something from you. You have been through this kind of situation before. Either you owe them something which was borrowed in the past and they want it back or they are in financial difficulties and are hoping for a loan. You need to decide how to respond to their not-so-subtle demands.

The desire as the week begins, to keep company to a minimum and to avoid crowded places will be a memory by Thursday. Even so, all the quiet thinking you did earlier will have given you a new purpose and a clear idea of how you can use skills and talents to the fullest in the future. Your biggest challenge now is for you to get others to recognise that you do mean business. You need your propositions and suggestions to be taken seriously.

A goal is reached and you will be applauded for your success. This will give you the confidence, courage and energy to set your sights even higher. Your competitive spirit will be apparent now when you won’t let anyone get the better of you. You’re taking a practical and organised approach to life and when important points are raised, you will make absolutely certain you have all your facts straight. With such strong determination you are bound to succeed.