A FORUM dedicated to deciding how to spend a county council cash pot will take place in Beaconsfield tonight.

The Beaconsfield Forum allows parish, town, district and county councillors along with residents’ groups to allocate a devolved council ‘local priorities’ budget for Beaconsfield.

A presentation on improvements to cycling provision in the town will take centre stage, with the Beaconsfield Cycle Path Action Group looking to secure the devolved funds.

Of the £45,000 pot, £22,700 has already been allocated to traffic calming measures on Holstpur Top Lane.

And the cycle path activists, along with Bucks County Council’s sustainable Travel Service and transport charity Sustrans, hope to secure the remaining £22,300 as part of a £222,300 total towards improving cycle access in the town.

The groups hope the £22,300 forum budget will allow them to improve areas around the station to help cyclists, address right of way issues and begin work on recommended on-road cycle routes.

The Town Council encourages bids year round for consideration at the meetings, with the £45,000 purse available for improvements to the town which meet county council priorities.

As well as a ten-minute period set aside for public questions, there will be a presentation from Transport for Buckinghamshire about current improvements and plans for the future.

And at 6.30pm, residents will have the chance to quiz transport officers on town issues before the meeting begins at 7pm at the council offices on Penn Road.