I have long been sceptical of the newfangled internet and all that it brings. Yesterday my scepticism was proven right.

You can imagine how disgusted I was to learn that a leading social networking that claims to be a book of faces is to allow users to post and watch video clips of people's faces being cut off, i.e. people being beheaded.

What sort of sick, depraved individual wants to wallow at the sight of someone being killed by terrorists?

What sort of website allows such material to be openly distributed?

Maybe in the future I should refer to the site in question as ‘the book of faeces’ which appears to be a more appropriate name for it.

Those running the website have obviously given the green light for such material to be distributed which begs the question of their suitability to hold such responsible positions.

Maybe it’s time there was a review of their suitability for office indeed maybe heads should roll at their main office.

Would you want your child to accidentally stumble across a repugnant video nasty?

Indeed it goes against all basic forms of decency and allowing such material to be published to the homes of decent citizens is, I feel, a crime as bad as the terrorists who carried out the act in the first place.

From what I read in the papers and what my friends tell me the whole internet is awash with disgustingly filthy videos.

Is such obscenity really what the internet is about?

Has modern society degraded so far that exploitation of women, blatant murder and other depraved filth is now common place in the homes of the town? I fear it may be.

Perhaps it’s time the internet was censored just like films?

We hear about internet censorship in North Korea and China but have you ever though they are  perhaps right and we are wrong after all at least the population of those countries is protected from such images.

The filthy perverts who view obscene images of children are rightly ostracised by society and tarred with a social stigma. Maybe it’s time society took a similar approach to those who take pleasure in watching people being beheaded and murdered?

In my opinion modern society has been on a downer ever since the newfangled VHS video recorder invaded society and brought us the ‘video nasty’.

There will always be weak minded and impressionable individuals in society who act out what they see on the screen believing it to be normal behaviour.

At one time years ago alcohol was only available in pubs then every corner shop became an off-licence. Soon many citizens started becoming tiddly in their homes and alcohol addiction spread in society.

Then film left the cinema and took root in our living rooms thanks to video tapes and video discs. Now moral corruption is openly being rolled out to anyone who wants to click the link to watch the video.

The influences of Lucifer are everywhere and sadly the weaker in society seem unable to stand against his advances.

Have no fear I for one will repel Lucifer and his temptations. Indeed I am determined to make a stand and repulse the advance of evil indeed my mind will remain pure and decent no matter what the cost.

What do you think?