A SHOPKEEPER in High Wycombe has blasted the council after it refused to offer free evening parking to Christmas shoppers.

Matt Billsborough, 44, owner of the Ruby Moon alternative gift shop in Castle Street, was one of many retailers to lobby the council for some free parking during the festive period to counter the service currently offered in Aylesbury.

Traders are keen to ensure that people continue to support the town centre shops in the busy run up to Christmas, but their calls for free parking were dismissed by Wycombe District Council.

Mr Billsborough, who also has a shop in Thame and has run businesses in London, said: "Of all the councils I have dealt with, I think Wycombe is the worst.

"All we were asking for is a couple of hours for parking, but they won't even consider it.

"They are investing all this money into Eden to bring in new businesses, but they are not doing anything for the existing businesses. All we want is a small investment."

Calls for free parking came after Aylesbury Vale District Council announced a suspension of all parking fees for the Christmas period.

Mr Billsborough said: "Their council asked retailers what would help them and they worked with them. We get nothing." Now retailers are encouraging shoppers to continue to look for their Christmas presents in High Wycombe.

Mr Billsborough said: "We don't want people put off by the idea that they won't be able to get a parking space. There is loads of parking here. I have been able to park in my same spot for years.

"In the long run when Eden is up and running I think we will benefit, but we have to survive the next two to three years."

Catherine Spalton, for Wycombe District Council, said: "The council policy decision was taken over two years ago not to continue offering free parking on late night shopping days. There has been no difference to the numbers of users in the car parks. The situation is reconsidered each year, but the decision currently remains the same.

"Customer research tell us that the cost of parking is not a significant factor when choosing where to park and there is no evidence to show that free parking is a decisive factor in attracting shoppers to an area.

"The council is supporting a number of other activities in High Wycombe to attract people to the town centre in the lead up to Christmas. Over a hundred new car parking spaces are being provided in the George Street area."