Graham Smith has offered residents in Holtspur Top Lane speed bumps at no cost (BFP letters, October 11). Has anyone considered the dangers of this hazard?

Ledborough Lane connects the Amersham Road with the New Town and has one school at the Beaconsfield end. But speeds are restricted to below ten miles an hour throughout its half-mile length. These bumps play havoc with the tracking of a car’s front wheels. They are designed to push tyres away from each other regardless of the speed you travel.

I recently noticed my steering was wrong. BMW’s garage in Wycombe could not find fault so, as I was facing a long motorway drive, I had the tracking checked by another garage. The inside of one front tyre was down to the canvas because the wheels had been forced out of alignment. Any fast journey could have been fatal.

These bumps are entirely unnecessary and are installed contrary to Central Government advice. It is a typical reaction by a local authority that has no interest in safety or fuel conservation nor the quiet enjoyment of the Ledborough Lane residents of their community.

Malcolm Parr, Knotty Green