Limited evidence: the latest refrain from the anti-science brigade, judging by BFP letters.

Rev Peter Simpson demands evidence that evolution is happening now before he accepts it has happened in the past. The vast accumulation of evidence from DNA, distribution of species and the fossil record isn’t enough for him.

Bill Williams cites “limited evidence of changes in extremes” to downplay the effects of carbon emission on climate. On the day his letter appeared (May 2), Al Jazeera reported record rainfall along the USA’s eastern seaboard, 1,600 homes evacuated due to wildfires in California, and thousands of people made homeless by flooding in north-east India.

In the first four months of this year, I counted 119 such reports of extreme weather, affecting 60 countries. If that evidence is too limited to convince Mr Williams, I guess he’ll only be satisfied with “unlimited evidence”, whatever that may mean.

Eric Alexander, Dovecot Road, High Wycombe