A mother whose ten-year-old son died of carbon monoxide poisoning has teamed up with a housing association which has installed more than 11,000 free detectors in homes across South Bucks.

Last year, Red Kite set themselves the task of fitting carbon monoxide detectors in tenanted and leaseholder homes. The last detector was fitted on Wednesday.

The campaign was inspired by Stacey Rodgers, who is the founder of the Dominic Rodgers Trust, set up after Stacey lost her only son, Dominic, in 2004.

Dominic died at the age of 10 after poisonous fumes from a neighbour’s boiler seeped into his bedroom.

Since then, Stacey has campaigned to highlight the dangers of carbon monoxide in confined spaces, including tents at camp sites.

Stacey marked the start of Red Kite’s programme by fitting the very first carbon monoxide detector in 2013, and then came back to fit the last in this month.

Stacey said: “What Red Kite has done is a first in the UK and I hope other housing associations take note of how important it is to make sure their tenants are safe and fit a carbon monoxide alarm to ensure we have no deaths from the silent killer.”

Alan Keers, director of operations, said: “Doing what we can to keep our customers safe and protected from this poisonous gas has always been a priority but Stacey’s story highlights even further how it is everyone’s responsibility to play their part.

“In Dominic’s case, carbon monoxide originated in a neighbour’s home so we would urge everyone to remember how important it is to have appliances regularly serviced.”