You’re dressed to the nines, with perfect hair and make up. But if your nails are tatty that sleek look you were hoping for will not be achieved.

Mica from Zoya Nails, says silver and glitter polishes will always be a winner at this time of year, particularly on the fashionable ‘almond’ shape, but make sure the condition is perfect before achieving this look.

Mica’s essential advice: Aim to have a manicure every two weeks to keep hands in tip top condition, but it can also be once a month.

Always use a base coat to stop the colour staining, and to adhere the polish to the nail.

Help to stop the irritating smudge after application with Zoya Fast Drops, which dries the polish quickly.

For pesky ridged nails, use Zoya Get Even.

Never soak fingers in water for more than two minutes when softening the cuticle, as it causes the nail bed to swell and draw out moisture which in turn dries out the nail.

Make sure the nail shape and length are all the same. Also take into account what job you do, for what shape you take. Square nails would suit women with practical jobs, whereas the almond could break easily.

We forget about hands – it is always the face we take care of. Hands also need an SPF, and exfoliation. Remove the dead skin and use anti-aging products to keep them young.

Treat your hands and face the same. Would you put your face in bleach? No.

When filing nails, use long, sweeping movements in one direction. No see sawing when filing.

Go side to centre if almond shape. Seal down the nail with the file.

With toe nails, file straight across and slightly to the corners to stop ingrowing nails.

Polish techniques: An obvious tip! But leave sufficient time to paint, and make sure anything you need, such as keys and phone are to hand.

Take into account age and condition of skin: Dark colours draw attention to nails, and make them look smaller.

Pearlised shows imperfections.

Bright colours draw attention to the hands – nails need to be perfect.

Review: I was so fed up with chipped nails that I bought a gel machine to get a lasting colour, writes Victoria Birch.

But I could have just invested in Zoya. I painted on the Casey – a play on the infamous Rouge Noir, and it was knock out. It lasted for ages and added instant glamour.

And it’s probably far more gentle for my nails too. Zoya is stocked by Emile de Londres, Hair design, Station Road, Beaconsfield 01494 675491/680995.