A nightclub allegedly refused to admit a party of four girls last week because they were "too big" – as in fat – and too "dark" – meaning dark-skinned.

The girls had been brought to the club by a promoter, one of the many that work for nightclubs in cities, drumming up business for them.

They are apparently charged with the task of bringing in good looking and successful people who will encourage other customers to follow them into the club.

On this occasion, according to a newspaper, the promoter who brought the girls was reprimanded because if he brought "black girls" into the club, they had to be of a "certain calibre".

The implication was that if they weren’t Rihanna or Serena Williams, they could forget it.

The four girls concerned who seemed in their photograph to be delightful and attractive young ladies simply didn’t measure up and were denied admission.

It was even suggested by someone in authority in the club that they should line up against the wall opposite the club to be inspected as to their suitability.

I am delighted to report that they declined this hugely offensive invitation.

Despite the club’s subsequent protestations that it was busy that night etc etc… it seems that a significant number of these allegedly "desirable" clubs (that no-one in their right mind over the age of 25 would wish to spend more than five minutes in) operate a beautiful people only policy on busy nights.

Clearly other clubs in cities around the country are less choosy.

In my theatrical touring days, I saw queues outside clubs late at night that contained visions that would not have appeared out of place in the more fanciful episodes of our favourite sci-fi programmes shows as extras in alien speakeasies.

What is disturbing about this story isn’t just that the girls were treated as objects to be admitted solely because they looked pretty, slim, fashionable or desirable enough and I’ll bet that few men are similarly rejected for reasons other than complete inebriation or aggression. What is appalling is that their colour played any part at all in the decision to deny them entrance.

I hope that every one of every hue imaginable gives the club the very cold shoulder it deserves.