STAFF at Buckinghamshire County Council have learnt to practise what they preach by making green travel choices.

The workers were surveyed in October and the results released recently show car use on the journey to work has been cut to 36 per cent, down from 44 per cent in 2005.

The Travelchoice team which works to raise the profile of sustainable transport, encouraged the 16,000 council workers to complete a survey about their journeys to work.

Valerie Letheren, cabinet member for transportation said: "Our Travelchoice team have long been a leading authority in travel planning. This result is excellent news and shows how all of our staff think about how they travel to and from work."

The team works with schools, businesses, and the public to encourage them to think about using alternative modes of transport such as cycling, walking, car-sharing and using public transport to reduce their impact on the environment, save money and reduce congestion.