A BUCKS SCHOOL has devoted a week to teach its youngsters more about their role in the fight against climate change.

The Beacon School, in Chesham Bois, held a green week', with the environment being the theme of all lessons during that week.

The highlight of the week was a visit by Dr Hugh Montgomery, a genetics researcher and director at the University College of London's Institute for Human Health and Performance.

Dr Montgomery is the author of The Genie in the Bottle', a book which spawned Project Genie, an education-based community project on climate change.

Dr Montgomery said: "I work in intensive care so I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important to teach the children. Teaching them will save far more people than I can in intensive care units.

"Unless we respond in five years to meet the changes, then the next generation is in for a very, very ugly time."

Dr Montgomery said if people were reluctant to address the problem of climate change they shouldn't be under 40 because the consequences would affect them most.

The Beacon, which is an independent day school for boys aged between three and 13, held green week' in an attempt to make students more aware of current and future environmental issues.

The school wants students to be able to describe ways the environment can be improved and recognise why it is important to do so.

Mark Collins, a science teacher who helped organise green week' said: "We are trying to raise awareness.

"We cannot give them the conscience that adults have but we can provide them with the information needed."

The school children have been preparing for the different events over the past few weeks.

Mr Collins praised both pupils and their parents for all the work they had contributed to the project.