A new group for maternal wellbeing is coming to Marlow next week.

The group, Singing Mamas, is inviting women and their babies to join them to learn and performed a variety of songs. 

Singing is scientifically acknowledged as a powerful natural mood booster and anti-depressant, which the group says is "wonderful" for postnatal mums.

Whilst research also reveals mothers singing to their babies helps create better bonds between them.

Zoe Hatch has been running singing groups for the last five years before partnering with Singing Mamas, a not-for-profit community interest company.

She said: “I can’t wait to share some beautiful tunes with my group.

"It’s vital for new mothers, to feel supported for their mental health and well-being and singing together is the perfect antidote to some of the stresses of parenthood.

"A happy mum makes for a happy family - everyone wins!”

Women of all ages are welcome and you don't have to be a new mum to join.

The groups are for non-singers, shy singers and karaoke divas.

The classes run from 9.15am on Thursday morning at Marlow Methodist Church, starting on September 15 and continuing weekly.

You can book a free taster session by going to: www.soundandsong.co.uk/singingmamas