HOURGLASS timers are being given to low-income households across Buckinghamshire as a way for people to save money.

Buckinghamshire Council has announced its Energy Doctor scheme offering 'water-saving devices' to help residents with their energy bills.

These devices include four-minute shower timers so people can have shorter showers and aerating shower heads.

It also includes cistern water displacement bags for use in non-dual flush toilets.

According to the council, using an aerated shower head or shower timer is estimated to save £50 for household annual water and energy costs.

Bucks Free Press:

The cistern water displacement bags displace around 1 litre of water every flush – which can achieve savings of approximately 4,800 litres per year.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, Gareth Williams, said: "We are committed to helping our residents save money on their utility bills while also reducing their carbon footprint. These new water-saving devices provided by the Energy Doctor scheme are an excellent way for households to do both.

“We encourage all eligible households to take advantage of this opportunity and the other energy-saving measures available through the scheme, which include draught proofing, reflective radiator panels and LED lightbulbs.”

For more information about the Energy Doctor scheme, eligibility, and how to apply, please visit Buckinghamshire Council’s website.

Residents who don’t qualify for the Energy Doctor scheme may still be able to access some water-saving measures through their water supplier.