Police officers in Buckinghamshire expect a rise in burglaries around the county this Christmas.

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police has warned that the Christmas season is “the most lucrative period” of the year for burglars, with “increased hours of darkness and the prospect of more valuables in the home” expected to up the number of break-ins recorded across Buckinghamshire.

Have no fear, though, as the force has unveiled its ‘Operation Grotto’ plan to tackle burglaries in the area “from all angles” including increased patrols in high-risk parts of the county and enhanced intelligence gathering to identify and arrest offenders.

Thames Valley Police will also share preventative advice to help residents keep their homes safe throughout the festive period on its social media platforms and its neighbourhood policing teams will implement as-yet-unspecified “preventative operations” to discourage home break-ins.

Are you worried about being burgled this Christmas?