A controversial garage extension has been approved despite setting a “dangerous precedent” for planning permission.

Buckinghamshire councillors backed plans to build a double garage at ‘Ringstead’, 49 Marsham Way, Gerrards Cross as opposed to a single one, which had already been approved.

The South Area Planning Committee waved application PL/23/3496/VRC through this week, despite objections from local people.

The next-door neighbour wrote: “I live next door to this property and currently attached to the existing house.

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“I will be badly affected by the new property and this larger garage will further blight my garden.”

Another said: “This could be the first in a number of variation applications and approving this application will set a dangerous precedent.

“The Local Planning Authority must not succumb to this blatant abuse of the planning system.”

However, a planning officer’s report to the committee said the double garage “would not lead to any adverse impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties”.

The application had been called into the committee by local councillors who said the proposed dwelling was “not in keeping with the surrounding area”.