A school has shared its delight at its recent Ofsted inspection which praised the "caring and attentive staff" that help the children thrive.

Beeches Nursery on Minnicroft Road in Burnham was inspected by Ofsted on January 9 and was given 'good' all round, including for its education, behaviour and attitudes.

The report talks positively about the receptive staff who provide comfort, such as cuddles, to children who need more reassurance, helping to create a sense of safety and security.

Staff were also seen being good role models to the children, who were encouraged to be more aware of expected behaviours like good manners.

Ofsted added that staff offer a "well-considered curriculum" which is "unique" and tailored so "appropriate targets" are set for children - who are "keen learners".

The inspector added: "Overall, staff weave in good quality teaching during their daily interactions with children.

"They talk and sing with children consistently, which helps to support children's communication and language skills."

However, it added: "On occasion, staff do not always consistently enhance children's large physical skills or support risk-taking as well as possible. Overall though, children develop their physical skills securely."

Manager at Beeches Nursery, Emily Viggers, was praised by Ofsted for her "strong understanding of her responsibilities". These include safeguarding and supporting children's needs.

Oftsed added how staff are well supported to develop their professional well-being, but Ofsted has indicated staff do not always mirror the manager's "high-quality practice".

Children benefit from outdoor play and engaging activities such as exploring different textures and reading.

The report adds that they are taught to care for themselves, such as washing hands, and children gain a sense of who they are.

Staff provide settling-in arrangements for children to become familiar with the nursery. 

Safeguarding at the school is "effective" with an "open and positive culture" that puts children first.

Ofsted has encouraged the school to build on its teaching skills to help raise the quality of practice and promote children's development as well as support children's confidence to take risks and build further on their large physical skills.

Emily, Manager at Beeches Nursery said: “We are delighted that the nursery achieved a Good outcome during our recent Ofsted inspection.

"I would like to thank all the staff, children, and their families, for helping make Beeches Nursery an amazing and happy place for children to learn and grow."