We all love trying out different places to eat, but do you know the hygiene rating of the establishments we’re visiting?

Here are the restaurants, cafes and takeaways in Marlow that have got a score of LESS than four.

Every venue that serves food is required to be inspected by Buckinghamshire Council, with five being the highest score possible, with one being the lowest.

The good news is that there is only one place in Marlow with two, whilst the rest mentioned in this article are all threes.

The list is as follows:

Marlow After School Club, Prospect Road

Inspection: February 20, 2023

Score: 2/5

Food Hygiene and Safety: Good

Structural Compliance: Improvement necessary

Confidence in Management: Generally satisfactory

Little Marlow Marlow Service Station, Little Marlow Road

Date of inspection: July 8, 2022

Score: 3/5

Food Hygiene and Safety: Generally satisfactory

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Confidence in Management: Generally satisfactory

Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe, Spittal Street

Date of inspection: October 12, 2022

Food Hygiene and Safety: Good

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Confidence in Management: Generally satisfactory

Maliks Of Marlow, High Street

Date of inspection: December 2, 2022

Score: 3/5

Food Hygiene and Safety: Generally satisfactory

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Confidence in Management: Generally satisfactory

Dazzling, Lay By Northbound, A404 From A4 To Marlow Boundary Maidenhead

Date of inspection: June 7, 2023

Score: 3/5

Confidence in Management: Good

Food Hygiene and Safety: Generally satisfactory

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Penguin Fish Bar, West Street

Date of inspection: January 12, 2024

Food Hygiene and Safety: Generally satisfactory

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Confidence in Management: Good

Three Horseshoes, Wycombe Road

Date of inspection: July 11, 2023

Food Hygiene and Safety:  Generally satisfactory

Structural Compliance: Generally satisfactory

Confidence in Management: Generally satisfactory

The scoring system: 

0 - Urgent Improvement Necessary
1 - Major Improvement Necessary
2 - Some Improvement Necessary
3 - Hygiene Standards Generally Satisfactory
4 - Hygiene Standards Good
5 - Hygiene Standards Very Good