A HUGE heap of flytipping waste has been unearthed in Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire Council is investigating an incident after officers discovered the rubbish in Great Brickhill.

Evidence was found connecting the dumped waste to Bedfordshire resident.

The local authority warned the resident will have to show proof of paying a licensed waste carrier to discard the rubbish properly.

They said: "Hopefully they will have waste carrier details and hopefully they didn't pay by cash."

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of rubbish, whether it's a single bag or a vehicle load of rubbish. It is a criminal offence and punishable by an unlimited fine or imprisonment.

Residents are urged to avoid paying for waste disposal in cash and always ask where your waste is going before allowing it to be taken away.

You can find legal waste carriers as you would any service, through adverts, online searches etc. Using the SCRAP code will help avoid your waste being dumped illegally.